C (103/301)

From:Damir Arh
Date:03 Aug 99 at 10:45:15
Subject:Cycle gadget problem solved

From: Damir Arh <damir.arh@guest.arnes.si>


Thanks to Jens' suggestion I found the cause of the problem. I had made the
TextAttr struct that I passed to gadgets declared locally. I've put it back
to global variables and everything works fine again.

Thanks, Jens. Your answer helped, although it wasn't exactly the thing you

Kind regards from Slovenia

Damir Arh <damir.arh@guest.arnes.si>
WWW: http://www2.arnes.si/~gkrjes12/

Owner of A1200T/030 @ 50MHz, 32MB Fast RAM
and Intel Celeron 300A with 96 MB RAM and ATI Rage Pro AGP 4 MB

You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
-- Thoreau